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Stop Obsessing Over Food

With nutrition counselling packages that support you to BRING JOY BACK TO FOOD.

Get started with a free call

Do you ever relate to...

  • I just can't stop thinking about food. I feel obsessed and it gets in the way of focusing on other things.
  • I try so hard to eat healthy but then have moments where I feel out of control around food and end up eating all the foods I try to avoid.
  • I have followed so many diets and meal plans but I just keep ending up back at the start... or even worse off.
  • I feel like I am always ravenously hungry or stuffed full. There's no inbetween and it feels rubbish.
  • I don't know when to eat or when to stop eating. If I let myself choose I would just eat always.
  • I just want to feel normal around food.

Stop Obsessing Over Food is NOT a diet or meal plan. 

Instead you are supported to...

  • Use CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) to naturally shift your thoughts so food is not on your mind ALL THE TIME
  • Use mindfulness techniques to develop connection with your body's innate hunger and fullness so healthy eating comes naturally
  •  Learn the types of foods your body needs to feel truly satisfied so out-of-control emotional eating and binge eating will ease
  • Understand your nervous system (stress and emotion) and recognise what emotions you are feeling so food can be comforting but you are also able to cope without food
  • Stop feeling guilt and shame from what you eat so you can break emotional or stress eating cycles
  •  Eat food that provides your body the nutrition it needs as well as joy, comfort, pleasure, culture, memories and social experiences.

A joyful relationship with food improves our health through the positive social and emotional impacts it has. We can live life with lower levels of stress, increased energy, better mood, more body confidence and emotional stability.

Joyful eaters are shown to have better overall life satisfaction.

The Stop Obsessing Over Food method


Shift those stressful and obsessive food thoughts so food is not on your mind ALL THE TIME. Out-of-control food experiences and binge eating naturally start to disappear.


Learn to work with your body's innate signals for hunger, fullness, emotion and selfcare. Healthy eating will start to come naturally and you will stop fighting with your body.


Find confidence to make the food and body decisions that work for YOU. You will stop feeling overwhelmed by conflicting nutrition information and confident in your food choices.

How you can find food joy

Access your Joyful Eating Toolkit

When you choose your Stop Obsessing Over Food package, you will receive instant access to your Joyful Eating Toolkit

Here you will have instant and unlimited access to a range of meditations and guided activities to use during difficult emotional moments or when obsessive thoughts just won't leave you alone.

Regular counselling

We meet at a frequency that best supports you. Often this is every 2 weeks. At each session we will explore your current progress, challenges and what you need to keep moving forward.

Follow up consultations are 50 minutes and you will receive personlised focus points and practical activities to keep you moving toward food joy.

You feel good around food!

Our sessions all work on building a joyful relationship with food and your body.

You will notice shifts in how you think and feel around food, improved awareness of your body's eating cues and improved self confidence which leads to natural eating behaviour change. And ultimately more headspace to enjoy life!

Check out the packages below ⬇️

Or get started today:

Single session 60 minutes | £130*
Free 15 minute discovery call

*Cost of an initial session can be taken off a package if you choose to continue.

Stop Obsessing Over Food Packages:

Package 1: Stop Obessing Over Food

  • 3 months of personalised support
  • 6 private nutrition counselling sessions (50 minutes). Recommended 2 sessions/ month.
  • Your Joyful Eating Toolkit - your collection of meditations, guided activities and practical tools to access as you need.
  • Personalised plan of what to work on and how following each session
  • Personalised email support for 3 months.

£240/ month over 3 months

Package 2: Stop Obessing and Bring Joy to Food

  • 6 months of personalised support
  • 10 private nutrition counselling sessions (50 minutes). 
  • Your Joyful Eating Toolkit - your collection of meditations, guided activities and practical tools to access as you need.
  • Personalised plan of what to work on and how following each session
  • Personalised email support for 6 months.
  • A longer term support option so you have time to build confidence and trust for truly long term and sustainable food joy.

£185/ month over 6 months

How to get started:

  • Get started with a longer (60 minute) single session where we will take a deep dive into where you are struggling, where you want to be and what you need to get there. You will leave with practical steps of what you need to get there. If it feels right, we can get you set up with a Stop Obsessing Over Food package.
  • Or start with a free 15 minute call to learn a bit more and ask me any questions you have! If it feels like a good fit, we can explore which package option will get you to food joy!
Single session 60 minutes | £130*
Free 15 minute discovery call

*Cost of an initial session can be taken off a package if you choose to continue.

The benefits of Stop Obsessing Over Food Packages

No more food stress

Shift your food thoughts so food is not on your mind all the time, your cravings naturally change and eating does not bring up guilt and shame. Food will bring joy as well as nutrition.

Connect with hunger and fullness

Stop feeling trapped between urgently hungry and stuffed full and start naturally eating in a way that feels good. Binge eating will be a thing of the past.

Cope with emotional or binge eating

Find a supportive balance between food for comfort and not over-relying on food whenever big emotions come up. Out-of-control emotional eating will no longer be your go-to.

Food being a happy part of your life

Food should support you to live your life to the fullest, not control you. Your healthy eating includes food for your social life, culture, emotional comfort and making memories. Let's find what role food can play in your life.

More food joy in 12 weeks

How you are supported differently

Hi, I'm Emma, your Registered Dietitian and Certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor

Want to speak with me about how I can best support you? Get in touch for a free chat here!

Book a free call


Start today

Single session 60 minutes | £130*
Free 15 minute discovery call

*Cost of an initial session can be taken off a package if you choose to continue.