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  • Food Life Freedom website visitor and coaching agreement

    Effective date: 07/07/2022

    Food Life freedom is directed and managed by Emma Townsin, a registered dietitian in the UK with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) and certified intuitive eating counsellor. Emma and Food Life freedom are committed to protecting the privacy of clients, website visitors and email subscribers. Below you will find information on how data is collected and treated.

    Visitors to the website

    When someone visits, Google Analytics collects and records information related to visitor behaviour patterns. No identifiable data is collected or used in this process by Food Life Freedom, nor is it requested to be collected or used by Google. For further information regarding Google Analytics and how Google protects your data and remains compliant with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) laws, please see Google’s privacy policy.

    If personal information is collected for any purpose, the reason for collection and use will be made clear at the time. You have a right to refuse collection of your personal information.


    Contacting Food Life Freedom

    Completing the online contact form requires the submission of your name and email address. This information is used for the purpose of communication with you as required. By submitting this form, you will be subscribed to receive e-newsletter communication or to send you occasional marketing material. You can opt out at any time by using the unsubscribe link.

    We use Google Workspace for our email services. It is GDPR compliant and encrypted to ensure maximum security of your personal information. For more information, please see Google Workspace’s privacy policy.


    Newsletter services

    Food Life Freedom offers a voluntary e-newsletter service which will collect personal information such as your name and email address. Personal information will only be used to send information you have requested or to request further information from you if required. Personal information will never be shared with a third party nor will Food Life Freedom share, trade or rent email lists with any third party.

    Food Life Freedom's e-newsletter is provided by Kajabi. Further details of Kajabi's privacy policy can be found at


    Storage of visitor data

    Food Life Freedom is hosted on the Kajabi platform, which allows Food Life Freedom to share and advertise our services to you. Your data may be stored through Kajabi's databases. More information about Kajabi's’s privacy policy can be found at


    Links to Other Websites

    Websites hyperlinked within are not covered by this policy. For privacy information of such websites, please seek their individual privacy policies.


    Access to your Personal Information

    You are entitled to request access to your personal information that we hold, or withdraw consent to us holding your personal information, at any time. Please email [email protected] for more information.



    Cookies help track your online activity and are generally used to retain user preferences and provide anonymous data to third party applications such as Google Analytics. If you wish to disable cookies from or other websites, you can learn more from the pop-up that appears once you access


    Website for educational and informational purposes only

    The information provided in or through this website, as well any social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram or any other not mentioned platform, is for educational and informational purposes only and solely as a self-help tool for your own use. 


    Not medical, mental health or personal nutrition advice

    Although I (Emma Townsin, founder FoodLife Freedom) am a registered dietitian and certified intuitive eating counsellor, on this website, my social media networks, webinars and online courses I am acting in the role of wellness coach and writer, and as such I am not, nor am I holding myself out to be a doctor/physician, nurse, physician’s assistant, advance practice nurse, or any other medical professional (“Medical Provider”), psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist, counselor, or social worker (“Mental Health Provider”), registered dietitian or licensed nutritionist, or member of the clergy.  As a wellness coach and writer, I am not providing personalised health care, medical or nutritional therapy services, or attempting to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any physical, mental or emotional issue, disease or condition. The information provided in or through my website, social media platforms, webinars and online courses pertaining to your health or wellness, exercise, relationships, finances, or any other aspect of your life does not create a dietitian/ counselor-patient relationship and is not intended to be a substitute for the professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment provided by your own Medical Provider or Mental Health Provider. By using my website, social media platforms, webinars and online courses you agree and acknowledge that I am not providing medical advice or mental health advice in any way. Always seek the advice of your own Medical Provider and/or Mental Health Provider regarding any questions or concerns you have about your specific health or any medications, herbs or supplements you are currently taking and before implementing any recommendations or suggestions from my website or social media platforms. Do not disregard medical advice or delay seeking medical advice because of information you have read on this website, social media platforms, webinars or online courses. Do not start or stop taking any medications without speaking to your own Medical Provider or Mental Health Provider. If you have or suspect that you have a medical or mental health problem, contact your own Medical Provider or Mental Health Provider promptly.


    Assessment calls, nutrition consultations and online courses

    Food Life Freedom complies to strict data protection standards for all clients who take part in Food Life Freedom's services or free assessments.

    Food Life Freedom uses GDPR compliant platforms to deliver services to ensure your information is secure.  Written information is stored online via Google Workspace (formally GSuite), a secure GDPR compliant platform and will never be stored on my personal computer. Communication is via my email provider Google Workspace. Appointments are conducted over a private link on Google Meet, provided through Google Workspace. Your appointment details will not be shared with anyone outside of the appointment. Please see for Google Workspace's privacy information. My online modules are delivered via Kajabi, a GDPR compliant platform. Your personal information will never be shared outside the coaching programme. 


    If you participate in any group coaching or community discussion, your name will be shared with the group. The information you share is at your own discretion. All community members are bound by a strict code of ethics to keep all personal information private. You participate in the coaching at your own risk.


    Personal information

    As a UK registered dietitian, Emma Townsin (HCPC: DT28209) is bound by legal and professional responsibilities of the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) to protect your privacy at all times. Your private information will be accessed only by registered healthcare providers at Food Life Freedom who are providing you care, with the exception of your name which may be accessible to non-healthcare providing staff. Personal information will not be shared with third party health professionals without your prior consent, unless required by law.


    At times, it may be helpful to collect or share information with your GP or other healthcare provider. If this is advised, it will only be undertaken with your prior consent using a GDPR-compliant, encrypted email service (GSuite). On booking nutrition consultations or the Empowered Women Academy with Food Life Freedom, you will be asked to read and sign a detailed document outlining how and why we may use client’s personal information.


    Information collected from private clients

    If you sign up to Food Life Freedom's services, we will require certain private and confidential information in order to offer a safe and effective healthcare service. This includes collecting medical history such as diagnoses, symptoms and any medications you are taking, and lifestyle information such as your work, travel, sleeping and eating habits.


    After signing up to a service you will be required to sign an online form requesting your permission to collect and use personal information before any consultation or coaching can take place. If you sign up but do not agree to the use of this information, you can be given a full refund. Your personal information will be retained in privacy after you have completed the service or opted out for as long as legally required.


    How is your information kept private?

    Food Life Freedom uses the platform Calendly to schedule appointments, Kajabi to process payments, provide modules and collect personal information and Google Workspace to offer telehealth appointments, store and record your personal information. These platforms are compliant with the GDPR. All your information is encrypted and password protected. For further details about compliance with GDPR, see each platform's full privacy policy.


    Information stored within Google Workspace, Calendly or Kajabi will never be stored to any personal or business computer or any other device without your permission.


    How is your payment information kept secure?

    Payments are made through a secure online payment processing system called Stripe, provided through Kajabi, which links directly to Food Life freedom's account. Your payment information will not be shared with Food Life Freedom directly. Stripe's privacy policy can be found at


    Personalised Programmes

    Emma Townsin operates as a UK registered dietitian and an intuitive eating counsellor providing personalised advice within her scope of knowledge. As she is bound by nation specific laws, Emma cannot practice as a dietitian across all countries. Please get in touch to find out if you are eligible for personalised programmes.


    Free assessment calls are strictly not a dietitian/ counselor- patient relationship. In these calls, Emma Townsin is acting as a health coach and does not have sufficient information to diagnose, treat or advice a health condition or treatment. You acknowledge that the decision to work with Food Life Freedom based on these calls is based on your own best assessment of your needs. Please discuss with your registered health professional if you have health concerns.



    Updates to this Privacy Policy

    This policy will be reviewed and updated as required if new services are added. It was last updated July 2022.

    For further information, please email [email protected]


    Contact Us

    If you have any questions, concerns or complaints about this Food Life Freedom website visitor and coaching agreement, please contact us: